Give a great gift to friends, family, colleagues or acquaintances

You can buy our physical gift card in the restaurant. 

Please come by the restaurant and we will issue one for you!

Book a table

If you want to book for more than 6 guests we kindly ask you to contact us directly by e-mail:
We have reduced the number of seats to our half capacity and therefor seating capacity is limited, if we are fully booked please do not hesitate to contact us so we can put you on a waitinglist. Thank you for your understanding.


Ønsker du å bestille til flere enn 6 personer ber vi om at dere sender oss en mail til :
Vi har nå fått redusert antall sitteplasser til halvparten og har derfor ikke så mange plasser igjen men er det fullt send oss gjerne en mail så kan vi sette dere på en venteliste.